Board of Directors and Board Meetings
Board Meetings
Board meetings are held face to face 3 times a year, generally April, July & November. They are held on the last Tuesday of the month at 7pm. During the other months, meetings are conducted by email, unless there is a pressing matter that needs more involved attention. Call Caron at 519-862-2641 to confirm as date and time may change.
Any member is welcome to sit in and listen at board meetings. If you want to address the board with an idea, a concern or a topic, you must be on the agenda. Please contact the Secretary, Caron Ball at least a week ahead of time with your information and length of time required so you can be put on the agenda.
Board of Directors
Contact Info
- President
- Dave Gorman
519-862-2641 or
519-466-1199 (mobile)
- Vice President
- Tracey Prouse
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Caron Ball
519-862-2641 or
519-381-1199 (mobile)
- Director
- Russ McPhee
- Director
- Ken Prouse
- Director
- Harold Thompson
- Director
- Ron Martin
- Director
- Guy Wilkinson
- Director
- Barry Edwards
- Director
- Rick Fish
- Director
- Mike Scott